Lemon Cordial

Without wishing to over-share, I suffer with IBS.  Recently I have found myself unable to drink alcohol and I struggle with most soft drinks that contain preservatives.  As much as I love herbal tea, that and water have become a little dull.  On Pinterest I found this Lemon Cordial from Rainy Day Mum, which took my fancy.  Cue a dull afternoon and I whipped up a batch.  Despite having the required number of lemons and rolling them well I didn’t have the specified amount of lemon juice, but some quick sums helped me to adjust the recipe.  It was very quick and simple to make up, required no specialist equipment, and the result was simply delicious!  I have frozen small batches to keep it fresh and will definitely be making this one again.  Many thanks, Cerys for sharing your great grandmother’s recipe.      
